Mujibo Tips
physical therapy

8 Benefits of Physical Therapy

There can be nothing much worse than not being able to move freely. Numerous diseases and pains may result in immobility by the weakening of muscles that prevent us from performing everyday tasks or normally enjoy our lives. Sure, there are surgeries to help with certain problems, but they are painful, costly, and are not always successful.

On the other hand, Physical therapy is a therapeutic solution to several deformities using certain exercises and mobilization techniques. The cure is a type of conservative care, which means curing an illness without medicines. Following are 8 benefits you can expect from physical therapy before considering surgery or giving up hope and settle with pains.

Who is a Physiotherapist?

Physical therapists are experts in improving mobility in motion in a pain-free way and improves the quality of life. Opposite to surgeries physiotherapists are more efficient in dealing with pains and bring quicker results. This technique is a much cheaper and painless way to cure diseases, injuries, and many types of deformities.

Health Issues that Physical Therapy can Cure

Decreases Pain

There are two types of pain, chemical and mechanical. Chemical pains need medication but when it comes to physical pain seeking help from physiotherapists works handy. Physical therapists assess the problematic area and assign individual pain-free exercises to end the pain.

Restore Function

After an accident, it is quite common to undergo pains in different parts of the body. Consulting a physiotherapist suggests different exercises to give relief of those pains. For instance, it is common to have knee or ankle pains because the body has undergone massive shock and as a result muscles were not ready to handle that pressure and suffer as a consequence. Such accidents either take too long to cure or sometimes when go untreated the pains perpetuate or cause severe damage. Seeking a physiotherapist naturally helps the body to regain strength and restore functioning.

Helps with COPD (Chronic Obstructive  Pulmonary Disease)

It’s a lung disorder that makes it difficult to breathe. It gets worse over time, but catching it early along with good care can help the patient stay active and slow the disease. In this regard, physical therapy can help improve exercise capacity and overall strength. Following certain assigned exercises helps with shortness of breath.

Avoids Surgery

First of all, sometimes people directly go for surgery which is not a prudent idea for two reasons. First, maybe you have undergone scissors unnecessarily because maybe the situation was not as grave and fixed merely with exercising. Then, surgery causes much higher expenses than therapeutic sessions. And sometimes even after surgery pains persists.

Moreover, therapy is not merely a thing to consider before surgery. Sometimes when pains don’t go away even after surgery it could be highly probable that pains are mechanical and they could be only treated with physical exercises.

Improves Balance

Two systems that help the body with balance are the vestibular system and the musculoskeletal system. These systems help the body with straight posture and maintaining the balance against gravity.

Also, straight posture helps the body with preventing many pains. For instance, bad sitting posture can lead to chronic back pain or a damaged spinal cord.  These two systems are directly proportional to bad posture and pain. Following certain specified exercises can help maintain the functioning of these crucial systems of the body and gradually eliminate the pains that are already inflicted over time.

Cures Diabetes

Treating diabetes is a three-prong approach: medication, diet, and exercise. The goal to get diabetes is maintaining blood glucose levels. Right exercising helps muscles to contract and as a result, more sugar gets absorbed into the muscles. Moreover, diabetic patients sometimes injure their feet or any other part of the body

Helps with Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis and osteopenia are both conditions that cause brittle bones. Osteopenia comes before osteoporosis. So, it’s a gradual state starting from normal bones to osteopenia to osteoporosis. Sometimes the problem occurs due to diseases like diabetes, but also a natural phenomenon as we begin to grow older. Yet the good news is that this could be both prevented and reversed by following some certain exercise which helps bones to stay strong or help weaker muscles to begin growing stronger.

Helps with Exercise Injuries

That’s right physical therapy is a field that helps with pain and injuries via using exercises. But, they are well accessed and specific to the problem exercises. Sometimes to quickly lose weight we began exercising too aggressively. Such exercises do more harm than good especially when you are mature in age. Most probably the problem results in severe knee injury or neck pain. Visiting a professional helps with canceling and treating the effects of those bad injuries.