Mujibo Tips
Instagram Ads

Instagram Advertising: Steps to Successful Ad Campaigns

Instagram is not just an app for sharing personal photos. It holds a lot of potentials and has so much to offer. Apart from sharing memories, it has become an excellent platform for advertising.

Instagram ad campaigns can help companies reach a wider audience and expand their clientele. Adding Social media strategy to the marketing campaign is crucial nowadays. Smartphone users are increasing day by day and to reach a wider audience social media presence has become a necessity.

Steps to Creating Successful Instagram Ad Campaign

Instagram gives businesses an opportunity to engage with customers and get the attention of more people. It is a perfect platform for gaining a global audience and enjoying great sales.

Creating an Ad campaign is easy and it can do wonders for the sales of a business.

Here is a guide that can help in designing the first Ad campaign.

Navigating Facebook’s Ad Manager

Instagram does not have a specific Ad manager and its ads are managed through Facebook Ads UI. Go to the Facebook profile and navigate the ad manager to change the settings according to your requirements.

Setting Marketing Objectives

To create a successful marketing campaign, it is crucial to identify marketing goals. Without clarifying the goals it is not possible to have respectable profits. It is vital to understand what Instagram ads can achieve while setting the goals.

Some of the goals that the app can help achieve are

  • Expanding the reach
  • Brand awareness
  • Increased traffic
  • App installs
  • Post engagement
  • Video views
  • Generating leads
  • Conversion rate

The focus of the marketing campaign is different for every business. Choose the focal goal based on the needs of the business.


Identify and Configure Target Audience

When the objectives of the ad campaign are clear, it is time to move on to configuring the target audience. Targeting the right people is crucial because it will ensure that they reach the people who are more likely to invest in the business.

The best thing about Instagram ads is that it uses the deep demographic knowledge of Facebook so the chance of ads finding the right people is high. If you have an active business profile on Facebook then you will have an audience to advertise to.

The beginners have to identify and work on targeting options. After choosing the targets you can layer these options to get a precise target audience and build an audience.

Selecting Placement

After identifying the ideal demographic, the next step is choosing the placements for the ads. It is a critical step for a successful campaign especially if you want the ads to show up only on Instagram. Ignoring the step will allow the ads to appear on Facebook and Instagram.

Specifying Instagram as the placement and allowing ads to appear in the stories or feed section of the platform can make the campaign Instagram-centric.

Setting Budget

Instagram is perfect for a successful marketing campaign because it offers flexibility. It allows businesses to set a daily or lifetime budget while running a campaign. You have the power to stop or pause the campaign if it’s not working or needs an update.

Daily budgets are a smart choice because it ensures that the budget does not deplete too quickly. The lifetime budgets allow scheduling the delivery of the ads. Before choosing an option, consider all pros and cons, so you can select the one that suits your business. You get the option to schedule ads in a way that targets the audience when they are most likely active. It helps in optimizing the campaign and getting the best results.

Designing the Ad

Creating the ad is probably the most important step of a successful Instagram marketing campaign. Getting attention from potential clients is not easy with so much competition. Craft the content of the ad with great care and don’t be afraid to think out of the box. If it’s not eye-catching they will simply move on.

There are a variety of formats designed for achieving different goals. Choose the format that is best suited to achieve your campaign objectives.
The content of the ad must be relevant and have a personality so it makes it possible for viewers to connect with the brand. It should be entertaining so people are tempted to watch it and make the purchase.


The introduction of new tools and applications has changed marketing. In this global village, it is essential to adopt a global approach. Instagram makes it possible to spread work about the company and create a diverse and solid clientele.