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How to make your Advertisement Video go Viral on TikTok 

When placing an advert on TikTok, the main goal is to create a scroll-stopping advert, right? However, sometimes this may look like a tall order because people have explored different advertising styles until it is hard to remain unique. Therefore you need to be tactful in your approach when making the video. TikTok’s organic reach is incomparable; therefore, if your video is creative and exciting it can quickly go viral. If you are wondering how to ride on this organic wave and push your content on TikTok, here are a few insights on how to structure your TikTok advertisement video to suit your audience.

Work with the TikTok Algorithm 

If your focus has solely been likes, sharing, and followers, then you have been looking at the wrong data. You need first to know the TikTok algorithm, which means your watch time is the first thing to look at. The TikTok algorithm will push your video depending on the amount of time people spend watching your video and the video length. Take, for example, you put up a video, and people watch it for 3 seconds. TikTok will show your video to a few people. However, if they take 5 seconds or more, then it will be shown to more people. Your video stands a chance to go viral on TikTok with a high average watch time.

Structure your Videos for Virality

Now that you have gotten a glimpse of how the TikTok algorithm works, you wonder how to increase your watch time. The buck stops with how you structure your video. It would be best if you told a captivating story to keep your audience engaged. Therefore when coming up with the concept ask yourself, whether the audience will watch it till the end.  Below are some strategies you can follow to structure your TikTok video;

  • Come up with a strong hook. The attention span of most users on TikTok varies from 1-4 seconds. That’s how much time you need to intrigue the viewer to keep them glued to your video.
  • Use audios or voiceovers that have already gone viral. Take time and go through the For You Page to see what videos or music are trending, and then structure your advert along those lines. The music or trends will help your videos get noticed by a wider audience. For example, if you advertise a clothing brand, you can add a soundtrack when taking the viewers around your shop.
  • Create a playlist with your videos. If your advert video is long, split it and create a series. The longer the video, the lower the completion rate. Moreover, creating a playlist saves viewers from having to scroll through the page looking for specific videos. For example, if you have tutorials, explainers, and part two’s you can create a themed playlist with the product’s name. A created playlist will appear just below your bio.
  • Use a solid call to action. Once the hook holds the user’s attention, you must persuade the viewer to buy or try out a service you are advertising.
  • Start the video using a text, for example, “watch till the end” and “wait for it” the texts prepare the users that there is a story you intend to tell with the video.  These texts can also be used as hooks.


Take Advantage of the Latest Trends. 

Remember how every content creator on TikTok snowballed on TikTok using the #runawayaurora challenge? That is precisely how you should operate on TikTok; leveraging trends can get your advert the eyeballs it needs to set the business rolling. Hoping on trends saves you the time you put into creating an advert from scratch, and you can save up your ideas for later when you need them most.

Sometimes you need to package your advertisements in the simplest of ways, and using these trends is one way you can achieve this. You can use specific trends that are related to your niche. However, the downside is that you will not reach out to a broader audience. Therefore, you opt to use the broader trends and fit your brand into them. To catch these trends and jump on them quickly, you have to follow consistent content creators on TikTok and frequently go through the discover page.

Use Keywords 

Aside from the TikTok algorithm, you also have to use keywords, especially since TikTok is evolving into a more searchable app. Once you type in a word on the search bar, you will receive suggestions of what you might be looking for. Therefore you need to caption your videos with hashtags and add keywords on the hashtag. A majority of people use hashtags when searching for videos on TikTok; hence you need to leverage this and use it as an opportunity to appear among the search results by using the appropriate keywords.

Bottom Line 

Now that you have a rough idea of going viral on TikTok, you can use these tips to push your brand. The process is gradual hence the reason why you need to sustain your push. TikTok needs its users to spend more time on the app. It means you need to push your video by reposting it or supplementing the video that has gone viral by going live once or twice a week.  While reposting, you can always modify the hashtag and video description.